Tuesday, July 27, 2010

So how about August 1?

I've been having a pretty special month of July-- between summer classes, home renovation projects, and a variety of bizarre illnesses, I've obviously gotten behind on the quilt project.  However, all of the squares are now ironed onto the interfacing (thanks to Mom's help!) and are ready to be mailed/ dropped off today.  

I'm going to do some sample squares tonight to show you what I've got in mind, but basically you're getting 7 squares of t-shirt.  You can cut them up (using straight lines) and reattach them however you'd like.  The goal is to make as many 10x10 squares out of the 12x12 ones you have in whatever design you'd like, as long as the lines are straight.  Feel free to make them as elaborate or as simple as you'd like to.  The picture below shows sort of the ultimate goal.  I think when I put the quilt together that I'm going to put strips of quilting cotton between the squares so there's a little more framing, but the squares are the right idea.

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