Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Woo Hoo!

I'm finished too!  It was really fun to put them together, I though... some were frustrating... and a couple have a one inch stripe down the side because they came up an inch short...

Here are my squares:

Mom just gave me hers, too.  I'll put pictures up soon.

I'm so excited to see what the others are going to look like and to start planning out the quilt.  Thoughts on a border fabric?  I think I'm going to get a queen sized sheet to use as the back.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

I finished! I made 6 squares. Which I'm pretty proud of, considering my sewing time is now limited to weekend naptimes only. They were fun to make. I've taken pictures, but unbelievably, despite the dozen or so picture-taking devices we own, none of them will currently connect to this computer, for various software/missing USB cord reasons. So you'll have to use your imaginations, but I'll mail them tomorrow.